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Lot Details

Roland And The Marriage Of Angelique by 
																	Charles Antoine Coypel

Charles Antoine Coypel

( French, 1694 - 1752 )

Roland And The Marriage Of Angelique




oil on canvas, unlined


51.57 in. (131.00 cm.) (height) by 76.97 in. (195.50 cm.) (width)


signed and dated upper center on the wall: Charles Coypel / 1733 inscribed lower right: PEINT EN M.DCC.XXXIII. PAR CH. COYPEL QUI LA REMIS EN GRAND LA MESME ANNÉE POUR LE ROY and inscribed on the tree trunk: Angelique engage/ son coeur. / Medor en est Vainqueur / que medor est heureux! / Angelique a comble ses voeux


M. Fenaille, État général des tapisseries de la manufacture des Gobelins de 1600 à 1900, Paris 1904, vol. III, p. 326; F. Ingersoll-Smouse, "Charles-Antoine Coypel", in La revue de L'art ancien et moderne, vol. XXXVII, March 1920, pp. 285-286; A. Schnapper, "A propos de deux nouvelles acquisitions, 'Le chef d'oeuvre d'un muet'", in La revue du Louvre, 1968 no 4-5, pp. 255-256; T. Lefrançois, "L'influence d'Antoine Watteau sur l'oeuvre de Charles Coypel" in Antoine Watteau (694-1721): le peintre, son temps et sa légende, Paris-Genève 1987, pp. 68 and71; T. Lefrançois, Charles Coypel, Paris, 1994, pp. 270-271, cat. no. P. 151, reproduced, and pp. 285 and 288.


Louis Fagon by 1737; Sale Du cabinet de M. CH***, Paris, Hôtel de Bullion, 28 January 1788, in lot 42, to Saubert, for 600 French livres; Marquis de Saint-Marc; His sale, Paris, Hôtel Drouot, 23 February 1859, lot 3, for 3,600 francs; Comte de Sazilly, 8 rue Théodule Ribot, Paris; His sale ("du comte de S***"), Paris, Hôtel Drouot, 5 December 1928, lot 10, 151,000 francs; To A Pigozzi (or Picozzi), 24 rue Saulnier, Paris; Baron Maurice de Rothschild, Paris; Confiscated by the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg from the depot of Bedel & Cie., 194, rue de Championnet, Paris, 19 September 1942; Hermann Göring, acquired 25 November 1942; Musée du Louvre, exchanged with the above 15 March 1944 (recorded in the Louvre photographic archive as restituted to Baronne Leonino); Baronne Antoinette Leonino, 6 rue Picot, Paris; Her sale, Paris, Hôtel Drouot, 18 June 1948, lot 2 for FF600,000; To Lejeune Madeleine, 9 bd de Clichy; With J. Seligmann, Paris; Anonymous sale, Paris, Palais Galliéra, 29 November 1973, lot 12.; Private collection, Milan, from whom acquired by the present owner.



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